« Spreading like wildfire » (4/2020)


IN FRANCE OR THE U.S.A., as in most of the world, most media outlets knowingly and willingly spread fears and obsessions about covid-19 within the general population. The vast majority of their news obsessively focuses on issues revolving around covid-19.

In a near future, those media outlets (see my partial list below) could be largely responsible for a slew of new or exacerbated mental problems among countless people. People already mentally or psychologically fragile are the most vulnerable.

CNN in times of covid-19

On ventdouxprod, I pay attention to this. My two latest significant publications do not mention covid-19. Although I did release a newsletter about refugees in Europe in times of covid-19, it was a short newsletter directly related to my work in progress on African “economic” refugees.

Aside from this tiny part of my current work, I deal with plenty of other issues unrelated to covid-19. There is no advertising for ventdouxprod here: I am merely pointing out a clear distinction between most media outlets and ventdouxprod these days.

You already know what you need to do to protect yourself from covid-19. So, today, you had better protect your spirit against the fears and obsessions spread by most media, fears and obsessions “spreading like wildfire”, as they like to talk about covid-19. In a way, these media are rapidly instilling some sort of highly contagious “mental virus” in peoples’ minds.

If you feel mentally or spiritually attacked by the media, the solution is simple: don’t watch, don’t listen to and don’t read their news. You could just listen to a one minute’s world news bulletin from a remote island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean every other day, and you wouldn’t miss much, seriously. If today’s news are not fake, they may be very toxic.

Partial list of media instilling fears and obsessions about covid-19:

  • In France: Le Figaro, Libération, L’Obs, Le Monde, L’humanité, France Inter, RTL, France Culture, Europe 1, BFMTV, Cnews, etc., etc.
  • In the U.S.A.: Fox News, Cnn, National Public Radio, Democracy Now!, Msnbc, Bloomberg news, The Intercept, The LA Times, The Nation, The Wall Street Journal, New York Post, The Washington Post, The Boston Globe, Seattle Times, etc., etc.